Don’t Give Up

Quality Steps Only

Ovedje Rory
2 min readJan 11, 2021

Ah! Growth is painful! 😩 Don’t tell me otherwise!

Growth in any area of your life is painful. From keeping a clear skin, to getting your perfect shape to earning in 5, 6 , 7 , 8… figures. Growth is painful.

“ACCEPT this truth NOW!”

However, as much as growth will cause you pain, it is not stressful. It stretches you but it does stress you.

What’s The Difference?

Here’s an illustration:

When you exercise to grow your muscles, you must do three important things.

  • You must have a picture of the shape you desire
  • You must know the muscles and areas of your body to work on to get that desired shape.
  • You must carry out the correct exercises that will build the muscle you are focusing on.

Prior to each exercise:

  • You must consume the right food that friendly for the muscle you want to build.

After exercise:

  • You must get adequate sleep.

Fun Fact: The growth you have worked on occurs when you sleep.

Same thing applies to your person.

In improving yourself, you must decide the area you want to improve in and what exactly you want to improve on.

Afterwards, you will take time to expose your mind to quality minds in the form of books, news letters, seminars, webinars, conversations (eat the right food that grow the muscles you want), work it out, carry out practices (exercise) and avoid getting tensed as you go through life (sleep).

The quality of your input always determines the quality of your output. Quantity (muscle size) should not be a concern as you start, quality and consistent engagement in your growth pattern should be your priority.

There are principles to these things. Apply them and they work. It’s not your business to know how but they work.

Have faith. Someone got that body, you can too.

The quote

“There’s nothing new under the sun.”

makes more sense to me now.

Entry Date: 11th January, 2021



Ovedje Rory

I wrote random stuff here. Didn't delete. You might find a bit of light for yourself.