I had to Quit

Ovedje Rory
1 min readMay 16, 2021

The idea of finishing what you started is a good thing in theory… Till real life hits.

To make room for all I really want; peace of mind, a feeling of contentment and knowing that I’m a good human to people,

(People matter to me. There’s so much potential in a relationship between two humans; lots of magic can be made. But that’s a topic for another day)

…I had to quit.

I’m not one to hold myself to my decisions or rules and norms. I do whatever gives me PEACE.

I make mistakes. I give up. I turn up late. But, I LEARN. I LEARN!

So, I haven’t being steady on this space like I said I would, so what. I have my reasons for quitting but who says I owe you explanations. My last sentence was even enough explanation given.

I might explain later. BUT,

I’m at peace and that’s the ULTIMATE. That’s pon' it.

Piiss out. ✌️

Entry Date: Irrelevant.



Ovedje Rory

I wrote random stuff here. Didn't delete. You might find a bit of light for yourself.