Ovedje Rory
3 min readJan 31, 2022


Time Management.

I won't waste words on this topic. You must have read a lot on it ALREADY.

I will just state some things you can think on to better direct your perspective on the topic.

Read and take mental notes.

Time management is simply using your time well.

To better approach it, replace "time management" with "attention management".

The activities you carry out take time...even down to gisting, eating, bathing, waiting...they take time.

To better manage your time,

  1. Recognise that at the end of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, there are some things you would like to look back in time and be happy you experienced or achieved.
    Write down those things.

2. Put a timeline, and KPI, to each of them. Use the S.M.A.R.T. formula...or make simply it realistic and relevant.

Goal: Get better at creating engaging and relatable content.
Timeline: 3 months.
KPI: Minimum of 10 comments and 5 shares per post.
Views and likes are good, but they are not relevant indicators of progress towards your goals. If your goal is to post daily, then views and likes may be good KPI for you.

Reminder: The above is an example of great goal setting, not time management.

3. Decide on the things you do right now that won’t get you to your goals in whatever timeline you’ve set.
You may enjoy doing them but if they take a huge chunk of your time and won’t get you to where you want in 3 months or whatever timeline, put them on hold.

Now, at the beginning of this post, I told you to replace "time" with "attention".

After carrying out the steps above, you will have to learn to focus your attention on what will take you to where you want...and learn to say no often to the OTHER things.

You will have to set structures too. Structures like learning to batch execute, utilising your best learning method, and setting your social media space to be an enabling environment for success in relation to your short term goal.

Now, I said "learn" not "read on".

One reason we give up on time management is that we expect to master it after reading a book on it. We then feel bad and miserable when we find out we still didn't manage our time (attention) properly.

If you forget everything I tell you now, note and remember these:

📍Time management is ATTENTION management.
📍You will learn time management gradually.
📍Be open to evaluating your progress. This 1 is KEY. It is something we run away from...but be your best friend and encourage yourself to face your scorecard and get back up each time you flop.

With intentionality, you can only get better.

If you fold your hands, you will only get worst.

Nothing is static.

So, that's it on time management.

Telling you these is doing half the work for you.

Take up the other half, and get at your goals.

You're not alone.



Ovedje Rory

I wrote random stuff here. Didn't delete. You might find a bit of light for yourself.